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Lost in the Kuala Lumpur Marathon: Unforgiving, the Finishing Line Eludes Me

I was running the Kuala Lumpur marathon and I got lost. I never made the finishing cut-off time.

I was running the Kuala Lumpur marathon and I got lost. I never made the finishing cut-off time.

Dreams about running a marathon can symbolize both physical and emotional endurance. Being lost in a dream often symbolizes a feeling of disorientation or confusion in waking life. This dream may be an indication that you are working hard toward a particular goal or ambition, but that you feel lost or unsure about how to achieve it. Your inability to make the finishing cut-off time in the dream may represent a fear of failure or a sense of disappointment in yourself. This dream could be a reminder to take a step back, reevaluate your goals and your approach to achieving them, and seek support and guidance if necessary.